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Showing posts from September, 2020

An overview of Soft Tissue Injury – One of the most common problems you can have after an accident

If you have ever been in a car accident, you might be aware of the term Soft Tissue Injury (STI). It is one of the most common injuries a person can have after an accident.It can also happen due to the overuse of ligaments, tendons, or muscles. Soft tissue injuries are the result of anabrupt movement like stepping awkwardly off a curb and rolling over your ankle. These are injuries thatdoctors see almost every day at auto injury treatment center Phoenix AZ . The most common soft tissue injuries There are several types of soft tissue injuries which can be treated as several knee pain clinic Phoenix AZ ·          Ankle Spain ·          Back Strain ·          Calf Strain ·          Golfers/Tennis elbow ·          Hamstring strain   The difference between a strain and a sprain? Tendons are fibrous bands that attach muscles to bone. Any sort of disrupting to muscles or tendons due to overstretching or overusing can be referred to as a ‘strain’. It can happen to any parts